» To Learn is to live!
Adult Education - Six Week Series
Join us for our seasonal six weeks series as we delve into fascinating and eye-opening concepts and ideas taken from deep levels of the Torah and Kabbalah.
Click here for more info.
Ancient Wisdom for Today's World
The cornerstone of Chabad-Lubavitch philosophy is its focus in education and
study for men, women and children, regardless of affiliaton or background.
Chabad has seen education as the most effective way to enhance the
prospects of the future, both for the individual and for the community.
One-on-One Torah Study
For Men & Women. Join Monday nights for an hour of stimulating
one-on-one conversation with a Rabbi or rabbinical/seminary student.
Over a cup of coffee, you can discuss any topic you’ve ever dreamed
about. Jewish philosophy, Talmud, Law, Kabbalah, Bible or discover
Judaism’s take on current events.
one-on-one conversation with a Rabbi or rabbinical/seminary student.
Over a cup of coffee, you can discuss any topic you’ve ever dreamed
about. Jewish philosophy, Talmud, Law, Kabbalah, Bible or discover
Judaism’s take on current events.
Executive Study
Would you like to have your own private Torah lesson?
Don't have time to join a class? Our Executive Study Program
offers you a personal trainer on the subject of your choice at
the time of your convenience.
Don't have time to join a class? Our Executive Study Program
offers you a personal trainer on the subject of your choice at
the time of your convenience.